Monday, March 06, 2006

somebody slap me!!!

Ok, I am feeling bloated (probably because I am), like I am never going to lose anymore weight.. I doomed to be fat for-ever, hormonal and weepy.
I just had a quick email from Jeanne, she didn't really say anything, much, and I sat here and cried.
I read Rachelle's post, again, about her pain and I cried.
I'm in one of those "who gives a flyin' rip" moods...................

If I had any "bad" food in my freakin' house I would go eat it, right now, but silly me refuses to buy junk so I have no reserve stash. :)


Sandra said...

Wouldn't this whole diet thing be so much easier without hormones! I feel ya!

Kristen said...

Yeah, I'd be hitting the chocolate right about then, too.

R said...

MMmm. . . hope today is better.