Tuesday, February 28, 2006


So what do you gals do when you are totally lacking motivation to exercise and eat right?

What do you do when you just don't want to get up in the morning to work out?

How do you snap yourself out of it?

And how do you keep yourself in the right mindset so you don't get in the no-motivation slump again?


aola said...

I have good days and bad days, moments when I just want to give up and moments where I wonder "why bother?" but I am just so tired of being this overweight and looking so dumpy all the time. I've only lost 14 pounds but I am feeling better about myself and I just can't give up now.
If I were as pretty and slim as you are I not sure what would motivate me.

Sandra said...

I was going to say the exact same thing as Aola. Even now, there are times when I think " I don't look so bad" and I want to give up and just let my body be whatever it is. Knowing that I could be much better keeps me going. Hopefully by the time I get to my goal, this will truly be a lifestyle for me.

Kristen said...

I think my problem is that I don’t have a major goal. I’m not trying to lose weight. I’m about as thin as I want to be (although the legs are a little chubby still, they aren’t massive and they fit my body fine--how often am I in a mini-skirt anyway--LOL). I am healthy and energetic for the most part.

My only real goal is consistency, but that doesn’t have anything fun attached to it, like shopping for new clothes or seeing the scale go down (or even much measurement change really). A lot of times I fail at consistency because I think, “Hey, missing one workout won’t kill me!” And it won’t. It usually won’t even cause any “figure” changes. But I feel disappointed in myself later.

Kristen said...
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Kristen said...

It’s also hard because I don’t want to put undue pressure on myself. I have enough going on in my life to not beat myself up over a missed workout or one too many cookies. I don’t need to go crazy with this lifestyle--I just need some sort of balance.

Wow, this turned into a post all on its own.

aola said...

You have a really great attitude towards living a healthy lifestyle including eating right and exercise. That puts you way ahead of the game. Maintaining that throughout your life will be so beneficial to you but I believe that moderation is the key to living happy so YES.. don't beat yourself up over a cookie or a bowl of ice cream because with your attitude it won't get out of control.

R said...

Late to the conversation -- but I think goals help. When I was working up to running five miles, I never missed a day, but now, with no goal, but don't gain a ton of weight, I'm more likely to skip.

R said...
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Kristen said...

Yeah, you're right. Thanks for the input, Becky.