Thursday, February 16, 2006

How did everyone do this week? It's been slow around here. Do I need to pull out my boot camp whistle and whip you all into shape? Seriously, I'm sure you are all working out so hard that you don't have time to post. That's it right?
I'm ready for Monday, and to feel better. I've still got a runny nose and I've been really tired the past two days. I haven't gained anything though. That is a relief!

What's your favorite excercise? Mine is a back exercise where I lay on the floor and act like I'm flying like Super Woman. :)


aola said...

mine is just laying in the floor(period)

R said...

I like squats. And I know it's weird. They make me feel strong.

Jeanne said...

I've been bad. But Monday's coming.

Kristen said...

I like deadlifts and squats. I agree with Becky; they make me feel powerful.

I've been "bad" this week, mainly because I haven't had a choice (long story-multiple circumstances). Life has just been insane. I am so exhausted and ready for the weekend.

Like Mom said, Monday is coming along with opportunity to refocus and renew.

Sandra said...

I love squats too! Mostly because they get my heart rate going. We have a nifty machine that makes keeping the balance and form easier. Without it, I tend to hurt my back.
I'm ready for Monday too! Taking the week off has been good for me. I feel excited about working out again. :)
Aola, you crack me up! I love laying on the floor too!!! :)

aola said...

isn't that called corpse pose... I do it really well :)

E. Michelle said...

hiking, but i never get to go.
I heart pilates the best of my everyday options.