Wednesday, February 01, 2006


My measurements and weight are pretty close to the same, but in the all-important mirror test, I am improving.

More important than that, I have only missed one workout this month (basically just ran out of time that day--gotta do it in the morning!), and I don't feel sugar has a stranglehold on me any more. I literally used to go out and buy a candy bar (mainly to make myself feel happy) almost every day at the gas station next to my work. The people there know my name! I felt addicted.

I haven't done that since before Christmas. Nixing sugar seemed insurmountable to me. But I'm not even eating the abundance of sweets available here at the office!


R said...

Congrats on conquering the sugar monster. Definitely a worthy foe.

aola said...

I've noticed that since I have cut out a lot of the carbs in my diet that I am having less sinus trouble, makes me know that the trouble must have been caused by food allergies.

How do you feel different/better without sugar?

Kristen said...

A LOT BETTER. No more sugar highs and lows.

I was having a lot of gastrointestinal issues that I wasn't sure the cause of; stress relief and less sugar is probably helping take care of that.

I used to get a lot of headaches; they are much more infrequent now. This is the height of allergy season for me and we haven't had sun in a long time (I usually get depressed and achy this time of year), but I'm not nearly as down or achy as usual.

I'm not as moody either.

aola said...

That's really cool!

We are getting stronger and healthier. T

Sandra said...

Great job! Nixing the sugar has been a big one for me too along with cutting out the regular sodas.
You are phenominal!

Jeanne said...

Kristen, the sugar fiend is hounding me...come do battle, Oh Mighty Sugar Slayer.
I feel much less sluggish when I don't eat sugar, but then, when I feel really tired, like today...I turn to it. Fickle traitor. Ah well, I too shall conquer the beast and thinness will be my shiny new armor.
(I know, I'm weird.)

Kristen said...

Weird, but HILARIOUS. I shall come battle the beast sometime soon...