Friday, February 03, 2006


I've got to admit: staying track on the weekends is hard for me. Saturdays are my cheat day, but Friday and Sunday, I am usually so tired, I just want to eat whatever I want.

Another admission: today I ate a butterhorn danish thing and half a bagel with cream cheese. Neither are terribly bad, but definitely not on my plan, you know? And the danish is just chock-full of refined sugar. When I am tired, my body craves carbs like crazy! In fact, most of the things I am craving for my cheat days are very "carby"--pancakes, cookies, that sort of thing.

I find my will power really fades when I'm tired. What do you all do to keep yourself going and motivated when the weekend comes or when you are tired?

Water, weights-->Finishing up my 14th cup right now. This morning I did lateral raises (shoulders), chest flyes, barbell pullovers (back), lunges and sumo deadlifts (great for inner thighs and hamstrings).
Cardio-->Not scheduled today. Had a good HIIT session last night.
Diet-->Mostly on, other than two exceptions above.

How are y'all doing today?


aola said...

The weekends are hard. After working so hard all week to stay on track, by the weekend I get where I just don't care. But, having to start all over just isn't worth it so I resist (but not quiet as stringently as I do during the week).

And if I were as slim as you are I probably would care even less.

I tell Levi all the time (5'10", 145 pounds) how much I envy him.

skinny boys..........

Sandra said...

The weekends are difficult for me too! I am a little lax on the weekends. I stay within my calorie range, but the foods aren't always nutritions as they should be.
With one free day on the weekend it makes it easier to be good on Saturday. I just remind myself that I can have it the next day and not feel the guilt. That seems to work well.

Kristen said...

It is helping me to think of myself as a healthy person who has occasional treats. I'm not "gorging" on Saturday or ordering the fattiest things I can find on the menu, just taking the time to enjoy something I don't usually.

I also am trying to ask myself, "Will I regret eating this tomorrow?" If I take the time to think about it, I can usually stop myself from going crazy on something that will make me feel like crap later.