Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Hi. I measured today. Good news: I have lost 5.5 inches overall. The most I lost was from my hips, then waist. I am very happy and remotivated. I haven't weighed yet, I'll do that when I go to work. Then I'll add it to the comments on this post. How'd you all do? I can't wait to hear.
Thanks for helping me.


Sandra said...

Awesome Jeanne! You are doing an awesome job!

E. Michelle said...

Thanks for your prayers while I was sick. You are doing so well!!! are your clothes feeling so much better?

Kristen said...

Yeah, Mom!

aola said...

I think Jeanne should get a prize!!

Jeanne said...

A prize. Hmmm. I was thinking a perm or new tennis shoes. Just gotta look at the budget and figure it out. I got 2 new bras yesterday...the old ones broke (underwire, you know) so it doesn't count as a reward.

Kristen said...

Underwire bras are evil. I will (hopefully) never wear one again.