Sunday, January 15, 2006

big FAT day

Yep, it's one of those days. My clothes all feel tight. I feel like a big fat whale. I hate days like these. They usually make me want to throw my hands up and scream "What's the point anyway?". I know part of my problems is my upcomming visit from the period fairie. Another is most likely my recent visit to the mall with my tall skinny sister-in-law who constantly talks about how fat she is. She is not one of those girls who knows she is skinny and says she is fat either. She really does have body image issues. I recomended therapy, and I was serious.
It's a fine line I walk between loving and accepting my body and being realistic about the size I am and the weight I need to lose. I have to really focus on reminding myself of what size I am, but too much focus in that direction sends me right over the edge. Sometimes I feel too comfortable in this skin; too used to this bluber layer that has accumulated over the last few years. I can even convince myself that I am beautiful and sexy and that I don't need to lose a single pound. That scares me as much as obsessing over an extra five pounds. I have to find balance. I have to love me for who I am and be proud of how strong and capable my body is all the while understanding that I need to lose weight inorder to be healthy and give myself every opportunity to have a long and healthful life. Today the scale is tiped towards the too fat side.


Jeanne said...

Sandra, you are beautiful and sexy and you don't NEED to lose a pound to be worthy of love and acceptance. You only NEED to lose weight to be healthy and to fully enjoy your beautiful, sexy life.
Why is loving ourselves so hard, I wonder? For me, I can see and hear all the negative & mean stuff that goes on in my head and it condemns me; but no one else sees/hears it, so they think I'm pretty okay.
I think, too, that we compare ourselves to others far too much.

The Bible says we are not to judge anyone, not even ourselves. God decides our worth and He proved how much He thinks we're worth by dying for us.

I haven't figured out how to find balance either...I only keep hearing in my heart that Jesus needs to come first. I don't believe necessarily that everything will magically fall into place - the truth is that I don't actually know if putting Jesus first makes that happen, since I've never quite mastered it.
Love you, Girlfriend(s)

aola said...

You will feel better in a few days when the water weight from you period goes away.
Ahhh, the joys of womanhood!

Sandra said...

Thank you so much Jeanne. I know my problem is that I tend to be to complacent about my health.
Aola, you are right. I will feel better in a few days. Womanhood is grand! :) LOL

Kristen said...

Balance really is important. Be kind to yourself and drink lots of water (maybe some green tea?).