Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I just gotta share this with you...I've lost about 10 lbs. I'm right on track - 3.5 lbs in about 2 weeks. The thing is I was kinda getting down on myself because I didn't eat "just right" and I didn't exercise "just right." But WOW, it's working! Hang in there, you guys. We're doing it!
Even though I'm suffering PMS (want to eat everything chocolate and stay in bed forever) I am so dang encouraged and motivated. I'm sending motivation vibes to you all.


R said...

Way to go!!! Congrats!

Kristen said...
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Kristen said...

(Sorry, that last post was a little convoluted.)

Woo-hoo! I'm sure once PMS time is over you will notice you've lost AT LEAST ten pounds. (I know you're counting a little water retention already--7 lbs on the scale, but probably lost more, but just can't see it on the scale due to the water weight.) I'm happy and excited for you!

Sandra said...

AMAZING!!! You are doing so great! Thanks for the encouragement. Dont' worry, I didn't fall off the horse, I just rode backwards for a moment.

aola said...

Hoo Ray !!
It feels so good to look at those scales going backwards.

E. Michelle said...

yipee! yay!

Jeanne said...

Sandra, LOL! Giddy-up girl. You crack me up!

Jeanne said...

Kristen, plus I've been working out, so maybe I'm gaining a bit of muscles, eh?