Thursday, January 05, 2006


For the past four days, I have eaten completely clean. No processed foods. Nothing off my "diet" plan (I hate calling it that, but I suppose that is technically what it is). No sweets.

Someone brought chocolate espresso truffles to work today. Little tiny ones. About the size of a Hershey's kiss.

I ate one.

Big deal, right? I can't believe it, but I am actually feeling guilty about it. So STUPID! My head is telling me that one tiny truffle does not undo days of hard work. But I still feel bad about it. GRRRR.

I don't want you ladies to think I have an eating disorder or anything. I just didn't expect to feel guilty over a piece of chocolate the size of a quarter. I am working on mentally and spiritually combatting that.

Other than that, I discovered I have an urge to binge when I let myself eat one small treat. Didn't realize I had that urge before, but it's there. I've stopped at one, and I know I will be successful at stopping at one. No problem. But the urge to binge is definitely there. I'm glad I am becoming more aware of my eating habits. Very cool.


aola said...

I feel the same way. I get so pissed at myself when I just go ahead and eat something, knowing I am going to feel guilty which may not be a bad thing because if I had felt a little more guilty over the years I wouldn't be having to try to lose so much!
I just don't want to mess up the hard work I've been doing because I know eventually I will start seeing results!!

Jeanne said...

You don't have an eating disorder that I can discern, dear one. Let it you said, one little truffle won't undo all the hard work you've done.

Sandra said...

I had a sugar cookie yesterday and went through the same process. I felt guilty and then thought "What the hell! Just give up!" I didn't though. I have a tendacy towards binging too. I had to stop and think yesterday about what I was doing and why and remind myself that one cookie wouldn't win or lose the batle for me.
Awesome job on eating only one! That takes some willpower!

Jeanne said...

Doesn't it make you feel proud when you say 'no' to something? It sure does's like I have some power that I didn't know I had or that someone has bestowed upon me. Funny.