Thursday, January 05, 2006


I'll put it in perspective: Last night I ate a lot of pizz hut pizza after going to a Chinese place for lunch. I am very mentsrual and have terrible terrrible allergies at the moment. So last night I Needed, NEEDED to do aerobic activity but I felt lifeless and limp. tired like I hadn't slept.
BUT I Went, girlfriends. I not only went, I really worked it hard, considering. i ran in spots I normally walk in. I think it was knowing I would be able to check in here positively that motivated me. I wish I hadn't eaten that pizza and lemon chicken, but I am very happy about my 38 minutes of redemption.
After that i showered and put on Sense and Sensibility and fell asleep.
Good Luck today girls.
oh and BTW, today is Jujie's birthday. he is 2. he weighed 9'11.


Sandra said...

Happy birthday Jujie! (who's Jujie?) Way to go on the cardio and don't beat yourself up over the pizza and Chinese food. I'm dreading the week before my period. I hope that by then I will have gained some sanity where food is concearned.
Good luck to you today!! You are going to do this!

R said...

Impressive -- both the workout and the child.

Kristen said...

My little Judah is two! No way!

Good for you for pushing yourself. You inspire me in more ways than one.

E. Michelle said...

thanks sandra and becky!
Judah is my son. my only child as of yet. Not that I am expecting, of course.

E. Michelle said...

kristen, did you see we posted at the same time?

Kristen said...

We are so cool!