Monday, January 02, 2006

So, it's been a rough day for me. I know that part of my problem is that I don't see myself as fat. In my mind, I am the same person I was in high school. I avoid mirrors and pictures just to keep up the image of me I have. Today I created this little poster to remind me of where I am. I don't want to be negative about it, I just want to be real. This is where I am right now. If I'm ever going to move forward I have to know and accept this. This picture also lists my weight and measurements as of last Tuesday. I'll take them again in a month and post them here with a new picture.


aola said...

Oh, you are so brave!!
I love the poster and the balls it took to post it :)

Jeanne said...

I agree with Aola. You are brave. And I have the same problem. In high school, I thought I was fat, but I wasn't at all. So as time went by it didn't really faze me too much about weight gain, because my mental image of myself was the same as it had been for years. But now that I took the pics, it was awful. The fear of rejection is a killer, but no one who is important to me has rejected me yet, so that's good. I'll be praying for you to continue to see the hard stuff, but to have hope. We gotta have hope to make it, I think.

Kristen said...

I admire your courage, girlfriend.

And you are a lovely girl. Even in workout clothes!

Sandra said...

You ladies are so nice. It was harder to make the darn thing than it was to post it. Everyone else sees me as I am, I'm the one with blinders on. At least if you all know where I'm starting too then you'll know if I'm truly on track or not.

P.S. I think you all need to post one too! Just kidding.

Kristen said...

I'll see what I can do about posting something like this...but it won't be nearly as artistic as what you did.

Jeanne said...

Oh gosh! I thought I was gonna be all original. You are one cute chick! I'll hook up with Kristen and see about posting. It's a good idea. But don't think you're gonna see the before pics that my hubby took. (Me in my underwear is not for the masses.)

aola said...

Jeanne, that made me laugh (only because I had the same thoughts about myself)