Thursday, January 12, 2006

My motivation meter is on low today. I don't want to be at work and I don't want to workout, but I am here and I will workout. I'm so lame, I purchased the Biggest Loser workout dvd. I haven't done it yet, but I plan to today. Did anyone watch the show last night? David paused it durring the preview next week so we could see what they look like. AMAZING!!!!
Okay..I'm going to work out even though I realy don't want to. I'd rather go home and take a nap.


Kristen said...

You can do it, Sandra. We're all rooting for you!

Come back and tell us how your workout and TBL workout was!

Jeanne said...

Yeah, I'm interested in finding out about TBL workout tape too.
We really all are pulling for you. Take a nap after your deserve it.