Monday, January 09, 2006

Power In The Moment

We went grocery shopping at Costco today. Anyone who goes to Costco knows about thier concession stand. They have the most delicious chicken bakes which pack in a whopping 600+ calories! They also cary a variety of other not-very-diet-friendly foods at more than pocket-book-friendly prices which makes turning down a tasty snack that much harder. Who can resist a yummy treat at a bargin basement price? Today I was totally tempted by their hand dipped ice cream on a stick. (Only a buck twenty-five). Before my husband went up to order, he asked me if I wanted anything. My mind raced with a thousand answers and I wondered if I would be strong enough to say "no thanks". It took all the willpower I could muster, but I was strong enough in that moment to hold back every answer but the one I needed to say. It was hard. Eating after shopping has become a ritual of ours. I didn't want to part with it, but I knew I had to. As I sat on the bench beside the concession and waited for him, I thought about my decision and the strength it took in that moment to say no. I only had to be strong in that moment. The moments before and after it didn't matter. Once I had said no, the struggle was over. The voices quited down knowing they had lost and I was at peace with my choice. For me, this entire journey comes down to one choice and having the power in the moment that choice is made to do what will help me reach my goal. I can't predict what will come and I can't erase what has been, but I can choose to be strong for a moment. One moment that when combined with all the other moments equalls change.


aola said...

I love this post.

We do that, too. Go shop for groceries and then go eat. Last week I asked Mark if we could go right after lunch so no one would be hungry. It worked, no one whined about not going to the McDonalds in Walmart to eat. (I usually get something from the deli cause I hate McDonalds food)

Kristen said...

This is very cool. Thanks for sharing this, Sandra.

Jeanne said...

Sandra, you should be writing a book about your journey. You have tremendous insight. Congrats for sticking to it. It's hard. I broke down last night and had a McChicken last night on the way home from the airport. Bummer. But today is a new day, so it'll be alright, right?

E. Michelle said...

the power of a moment, yes? but I think the moments after that are like living in a slightly altered reality--tranformed by uour mighty "no" great job!!!

aola said...

I was trying to explain to Mark last night how it empowers you to say no and that every little victory we win over our own appetites make us stronger and more likely to overcome in the end.
Not sure he "got" it.

Jeanne said...

Aola, maybe Mark didn't get it 'cause of what you were saying 'no' too. LOL

Sandra said...

Aola, great idea on eating before hand so you wouldn't be hungry. I'm going to suggest that next time as I know I won't always be so strong.

Jeanne, you are too kind. Perhaps once we are all hot and skinny we can turn "Finding Skinny" into an inspirational book.

Erica, I think you are right. The moments after "no" we are transformed. Hopefully we are stronger so that the next time saying no won't be quite as hard.

Aola, I think men don't typically struggle with food the same way women do. I know for my husband, he can take it or leave it. He has no real addiction to anything food related. Perhaps that is why it's hard for Mark to understand. Maybe for him saying no isn't such a big deal.