Tuesday, January 24, 2006

blah, blah, blah

I have had such a yucky day, my emotions are all out of whack (Levi's new "almost" wife is moving her stuff into the cabin today) and I have just wanted to eat everything in sight all day long. I keep telling myself it is just self-pity and not hunger. I've done ok, I don't think I went over my calories but I did console my self a little by eating spaghetti for dinner (a very small portion).

I haven't weighed in several days. I'm trying to only weigh once a week, hoping to actually see some results.

I know I'm acting like a big weenie but this whole situation has been very hard for me but I will get over it and get back to my normal routine.

Grace does not get us out of unpleasant situations, it is what gets us through to the other side.


R said...

True, and I don't think you're acting like a weinie. This is a big deal.

Kristen said...

I agree with Becky. This is big.

We had spaghetti tonight too (lean meat, whole wheat pasta, and no-sugar sauce--but it was spaghetti!).

Wish I could give you a hug right now!

Jeanne said...

I'm with Kristen...wish I could hug ya. Please don't beat yourself up. Having your kid get married, in the best of circumstances, is hard; so you're justified in being upset emotionally and physically. Hang in there. You're right about grace.

Sandra said...

You are a rock A! You know what I would be doing if it were Erin? Yeah it wouldn't be diet friendly or do anything to promote the well being of Erin!
I love your comment on grace. I have such a tendancy to think that I should just be lifted up and out of tough situations. Reality is we all have tough spots in life and grace will bring us through them not around them.