Friday, January 20, 2006


The van was back today! I made sure it was her (by a hilarious spyglass from a coworker) and called the cops. Found out she's a private investigator investigating ME!
Girls, you have no idea how ridiculous and stupid this is. Even if I wanted to embezzle money, I could never figure out how to do it - I suck at accounting stuff. I am not having an affair - I never hang out with other men. I don't know anybody Mafia-ish. I've never witnessed a crime. I'm not involved in any lawsuits. I just don't get it.
At least I know this person isn't some freak-o stalking me and I'm not in any imminent danger.
On a much better and positive and happy, satisfying note: I started my period and I FEEL GREAT! I have energy and strength and just plain feel good. I am so happy about this. AND, my jeans were looser this morning. Hallelujah!
My life really isn't this dramatic and I'm not a drama queen; ask Kristen.
Funny, eh?


aola said...

and the drama continues.... now you are going to have to find out why you are being investigated and who hired her?????

Sandra said...

this would totally freak me out and I would get to the bottom of it in no time!

Sandra said...

oh yeah and obviously she isn't a very good PI..LOL

Jeanne said...

Sandra, lots of people said the same thing. One friend even said she must be a cheap one.
I don't know how to find out who hired her & why. I guess I just have to wait and see. Ought to be interesting.