Tuesday, January 03, 2006

last one to the party?! and my fat jeans are tight.=(

Thanks for letting me in so quickly!
My first confession is that I don't feel ugly or fat. it seems as if my clothes just all shrunk up. I feel normalish, but ofcourse, I lost a sense of what normal is for me sometime during my 53 lb pregnancy weight-gain. bleh. kudos to Becky for making her decision to avoid that route.
My second is the hardly any of my pre-baby clothes fit me right and Judah will be two this week!
In actuality, I weigh too much. It would be best for me to lose 10 pounds, stat. There acutally remain 13 lbs left of baby weight. But I probably lost muscle and gained more fat in its place so the real situation could be more.
I think it was Augustine that said that confession was the first righteous act. well, then, I am righteously going to bed.


Sandra said...

Welcome Erica!! I totally have the same problem. I don't feel fat or ugly. My body is strong and healthy. I work out 5 days a week. I could be stronger though and more healthy. That's why I made my little confession poster. It helps me just to see that picture on my journal. I need to be reminded constantly of what I'm doing and why I need to make healthy choices.

E. Michelle said...

Sandra, the reality check is so hard when the skewed image is preferable. It is amazing that you posted that picture.

aola said...

When I look in the mirror I want to hide because there is some old, fat woman standing there. It is hard to reconcile that image with the one in my head or the one that my husband sees. He constantly tells me how beautiful I am and it is easier just to believe him than look in the mirror and see what is really there.
But, it IS going to change ... well, not the old part but the fat part.

Kristen said...

So glad you're here, old friend.

Just so you gals know, Erica and I went to college together. (She was a few years ahead of me.) Her husband and I were in a couple of classes together, and I consider them both good friends.

aola said...

I used to read Erica's husbands blog.. but he was a terrible blogger :)
It was good when he wrote but that didn't happen often.