Friday, January 20, 2006

Turns out...

Cookie dough is safe in my house, after all. I haven't had any. Even on Wednesday when I was working from home and could have had some without anyone knowing!

Tomorrow I will indulge!

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention...

I benched fifty pounds today. For six reps. When I started three weeks ago, I couldn't get the 50 pounder off my chest. Literally. I was stupid enough to not have a spotter so I had to roll it off of me. Not fun for the boobs, ribs or stomach, let me tell you. (I always have a spotter now! Thanks, Mom and Dad!)

In high school after a semester of weight lifting, I lifted about 75 lbs. if I remember correctly. One day, I'll be back up there, but for now, I'm just celebrating my victory!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Cookie dough would be safe in my house because I can't stand it raw, but brownies would not be safe at all!!!
Good for you for staying strong. You will really enjoy it tomorrow!
Wow on the bench press! You are doing so well!