Monday, January 30, 2006

Tell Me Again

Tell me again why I'm doing this. My motivation has gotten a bit screwy and I'm starting to feel like: 'what's the use?' I'm off track. Sorry to be a downer.


Kristen said...

To feel that sense of accomplishment of doing something good for yourself every day.

To live long enough to see your grandkids (Lord knows, that's a long way off). To be able to play and move with them.

To feel more energetic, healthier and more comfortable in your own skin. To live longer.

To feel powerful. To feel sexy. To feel strong. To kick ass.

(Maybe the kick ass part is just me. Heh.)

aola said...

Jeanne, we need to stay strong and healthy. We have a lot of living left to do and I want to do with quality. I look at my little crooked Mother who can barely walk and know I don't want to be like that or my sister-in-law who is just 3 years older than me and is so fat and out of shape that it is causing major health problems and she does nothing to change it, just takes more drugs.


We have to stay strong and live well.

Jeanne said...

Okay, you both made me cry. Thanks.

Sandra said...

PUSH THOUGH IT JEANNE! We won't give in. We won't give up. We won't look back! You are doing an amazing job and you've come too far forward to ever go back!