Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Hear a Long Moan

The bad news: I'm failing on the exercise, miserably.

Being pregnant makes me feel like a deflated balloon -- not much zip in my step. Did any of you feel this way? Know people who thought walking down the stairs to the kitchen might kill them?

The mediocre news: I'm eating okay. Vegetables still make me gag, but so does anything sweet. My diet consists of mostly dairy, fruit and a littl protein.

The good news: I haven't gained any weight. At my last appointment, I had lost weight, but I'm sure that's because of a decrease in muscle tone due to my constant lethargy.

Help girls! Give me some ideas of how to fit in some exercise when it snows or rains everyday and I think eight o'clock sounds like a good bedtime.


Kristen said...

I've heard a lot of people start perking up around the time the second trimester rolls around.

Go easy on yourself, girl!

I don't know what kind of equipment you have access to, but I've heard there are some pretty good prenatal yoga videos if you would be interested in something like that.

Maybe try surfing around (I'll go look around, too.)

Sandra said...

Having never been pregnant, I have no advice, but I like Kristens prenantal yoga idea.

aola said...

I'm pretty sure you will get to feeling better. I always did anyway. The yoga things sounds good. Anything you can do now will really help you during delivery.

Jeanne said...

Every little bit counts. Whatever you do is good...even if it's housework or just a little walk. Please be kind to yourself - you're growing a baby for goodness sake - that's hard work! Stretch, give yourself a hug and some grace.