Saturday, January 07, 2006


Two posts in one day? I'm a blogaholic or something. I was just reviewing my week reveling in the battles I have won and I realized, I haven't had any regular Coke in a week! This is major for me. What's even more crazy is that I didn't even miss it. Not once did I whine about it or even post about missing it. I'm truly surprised at myself. To top it off I only had three Diet Cokes this week. I do hope to cut those out, but one step at a time.


Kristen said...

Very cool! What a great victory to share!

E. Michelle said...

I can't even pretend I have any intentions of giving up diet coke with lime.

Jeanne said...

WAY TO GO!!! This is a victory most unexpected, methinks. God is even at work "behind the scenes."