Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Yesterday was one of those days where I could have eaten everything in the kitchen and had to fight myself all day long to keep my calorie count under 1500. I did though.
And today I'm not hungry at all.... I didn't even want breakfast... what is up with that??


Jeanne said...

I'm proud of you for staying the course. I have no idea why our bodies are so fickle, but usually this type of thing means I'm hormonal. Just a thought.

Kristen said...

For me, it means I ingested caffeine. Caffeine totally wipes out my appetite.

Good for you, by the way, for being able to resist temptation!

aola said...

I'd think it was the hormonal thing with me 'cause caffeine doesn't affect me that way (what a shame).

I know in a few days I will have to give in to chocolate... just no getting around it :)

Sandra said...

Way to go Aola! My body has the same responce when I'm hormonal! I want to eat everything one day and nothing the next and the chocolate too is a struggle. An idea to help with it is to have the most rich decadent chocolate thing you could have. Usually when I do that I have a few bites and it kills the craving. It's much better than eating a bag of kisses. (Oh you think I'm kidding? You think I wouldn't have done that? Think again!)

Kristen said...

Totally agree, Sandra. (From one Hershey kiss lover to another.)

aola said...

hershey kisses
hershey hugs
dark chocolate nuggets w/almonds
milk chocolate nuggets w/toffee
dove chocolates
lenders chocolate truffles
hersheys chocolate bar w/almonds
peanut m&m's
ferraro roche

ohhhh, it's getting bad

Sandra said...

LOL!!! I had a handfull of m&m's yesterday. I wonder if this post had anything to do with it? I thought I had gotten rid of everything chocolate in the house, but low and behold my dear sweet husband had a jar full of m&m's left over from Christmas hiding behind some stuff in the cabinet. It didn't take me long to find em. I allowed myself only handfull because I knew that saying no would only lead to eating the entire jar.

Jeanne said...

LOL. I think us girls have a built-in radar-like chocolate detector. What do you think?

Kristen said...

No joke!