Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I actually got out of bed

My bed never feels as warm or soft or cozy as it does at 6 a.m. when I get up to workout.

I soooooooooo didn't want to get out of bed. I'm back to work today, and that means early mornings.

But I did it anyway. And I had an awesome (cardio on the stationary bike) workout. It's going to be a great day. I think I actually enjoy sweating.

I just need to keep reminding myself--it's one day at a time, one meal at a time, for the long haul. Each day counts. Each meal is rebuilding my body and remaking my habits. Each workout counts for something good.

Yesterday I didn't eat any candy or sweet stuff, even though I was tempted. And that is quite an accomplishment for me.

Like Sandra, I am trying to celebrate each small victory.


E. Michelle said...

can anybody join this ring?

Sandra said...

Sure Erica. Send me an email @ thejacksons@direcway.com and I'll invite you to the ring. The more support we can give and receive the better!

Kristen, small victories are what win the battle! I did my workout early this morning too. I didn't want to, but it's not about wanting to. It's what I have to do! You're doing an awesome job!

Kristen said...

Come and play, Erica!

aola said...

This is so fun.
Welcome aboard Erica!

Jeanne said...

Hi Erica. Glad you can join us.

Jeanne said...

Thanks for calling today. I appreciate it. I love IMing you, too.