Thursday, January 26, 2006

Chocolate cream filled cupcakes are not safe in my house. I ate three before realizing this. The remaining cupcakes are safe in a friends tummy.
Needless to say I was feeling very icky this morning after having eaten those yesterday. So, I pulled out the new edition of Self to look for something inspiring and found a 12 minute workout. I did it this morning and am feeling much better about myself. I am going to replace my morning coffee with this workout. I didn't need those extra 90 calories anyway.
Did anyone else cry durring The Biggest Loser last night? When the two teens were talking about being made fun of at school and going to the mall and comming home with a purse or ear rings because nothing fit I just couldn't hold back the tears! I always felt like the fat girl in high school. I was a size 12 in a sea of size 6's. I was never made fun of for my weight, I just always felt like the odd one out. It's hard to imagine myself as anything but overweight, but I have to believe I can make it.


Kristen said...

You can make it, Sandra.

I watched TBL, too. It was awesome that even though those girls were competing against each other, they bonded. I liked that. The reactions of their mothers is what got to me.

aola said...

You were in high school and still are so pretty!
We will make it to our goal weight!! It may take us while but we will get there.

Sandra said...

Me too Kristen! I couldn't help but think of Erin and the things I am teaching her. I also thought about what my mom taught me and how I am learning to be different. I will teach Erin to be healthy and active.
Thank you A! We will get there for sure!

R said...


Most of the size 6's didn't feel like they fit either.

Jeanne said...

Isn't it "funny" how we eat stuff without really thinking about it? I do's hard work to diet and exercise. Sheesh! Hang in there!