Friday, January 06, 2006

I am an emotional wreck today. I want to pig out for comfort. Thank God you all are here. Your support is immeasurably important to me.
This morning I took my 23-year-old son to the airport. He is flying to Jackson, MS, to see if he wants to move there. My mommy heart says, "NOOOOO, don't go. There won't be anyone to take care of you if you're sick or hurt or whatever." My rational mind says, "This MAN needs to do this. He needs to experience life before he gets married and can't do whatever he wants." On the way home, I was crying and praying and I felt like God said, "Let him go. I have plans for him and they include Jackson." So, I'm working on it.
The other part of this morning is still freaking me out. Really, I'm still shaking about it. We were driving in the lefthand lane on a 4-lane freeway in the pouring rain with traffic. (Why there was so much traffic at 4 a.m. I don't know.) I was looking for a way to improve my visibility with all the water coming down and being thrown up by cars in front of me, so I put on my blinker, glanced behind and to the right to make sure no cars were there and at that moment Darren said, "HOLY CRAP!" When I turned back I saw a semi parked in the median sideways in my lane. The transition to the other lane was so smooth that Jerry, in the back seat, didn't even know what was up. Darren looked at me and I said quietly, "Okay, Jeanne, you can breathe now." As a professional driver, he was very sympathetic with my delayed panic.
I don't believe in coincidence. I believe God is in control. So, I believe He was orchestrating my entire sequence of events to save our lives. If I hadn't been preparing to move over, I would've slammed into that truck going 60 mph and we would've been killed. On the way home I saw several mangled cars and the truck.
I will be processing this for awhile...but one clear thing that stands out to me: if God can orchestrate deliverance in the crises in my life, how can I not trust Him to orchestrate my life (and ultimate deliverance) in the regular, even mundane days, circumstances and situations of my life. I must trust Him.
God cares about our health. And He wants to direct us in this area. Sorry to sound preachy, but it was profound to me.


Kristen said...

More than glad you're okay.

aola said...

Glad you guys are ok.
I can't even tell you how many times that I know God has saved my life in circumstances like that....

I understand about the letting go. Our oldest moved out (for a short while)a couple of months ago. He is only 18. I thought I would just die but I knew I had to let him try it on his own. Of course, he wasn't ready and was back home in a month. But,from what Kristen has said about your son I'm sure this will be a great experience for him.
And, God kinda proved today that HE is looking out for him (and all of you).

Jeanne said...

Aola, thanks for the encouragement. When we took Kristen to college in Texas, we drove down. We spent 5 days in the car together...I learned a lot about my girl during that trip. (She gets really cranky when she's hungry.) ;o)
But I would not give those days back for all the money in the world. I also thought I would die the day we drove away. I was very glad that the other mom was driving because I don't know how I would've done it.
We all survived, but it was pretty hard.
One of the cool things is that when she came home for good, we also drove cross-country. I learned who my girl had become. It was a nice finale to the saga of Kristen's college days in Texas.
So, this will be okay with Darren, too, I'm sure.

Sandra said...

Jeanne, I too am glad you are okay. That would have sent me over the edge! I hate driving in traffic for that very reason. (Someone please tell me why I live in Cali?)
Kudos on not turning to food for comfort! It's all about learning how to respond to life in a different manner than turning to food!